Кто где? A1 level class
Hey guys! Привет! Welcome to the new Russian A1 class! Today we’re going to learn how to ask where the person is at the moment. Here we go!
So the main new word for today is “Где” – “Where”.
Кто где?
(Who is where?)
Since both words in this structure are monosyllabic there is probably no problem for you to read it, right? 😉 Now try to read the dialogues, then check how I’ve read them, pay attention at the accents:

(Where is Andrey? He is at the post-office)

(And where is Anya? She is at the pharmacy)
Let’s take a closer look at what we’ve just read. First of all, yeah, we see the pronounes here, right 🙂 Let’s learn all of them now:
Singular | Plural |
Я (I) | Мы (We) |
Ты (You) | Вы (You) |
Он (He) Она́ (She) Оно́ (It) | Они́ (They) |
The pronoun “Вы” can be the plural form of “ты” or the polite version of that pronoun
Another thing you’ve probably mentioned is the words “Почта” and “Аптека” look here slightly different than in the lesson “Кто это? Что это?”. Yeah, that’s the moment when you have to notice one brutal fact: Russian language has the cases. And when we’re talking about the location we’re facing the locative case. Fortunately this case (1 of 6 by the way) is one of the simplest ones, so here are some basic (but not full!) rules, how to make it.
Here is a little life hack from me. In about 70% the ending of the noun in locative case will be “-e”. Moreover, in Russian speach it’s hard to differentiate -e with another popular ending -и, so if you’re just starting to learn Russian or your final goal is just to speak, not to write Russian you can easily use this trick. Otherwise you better learn all the possible ways to form the Locative case. Anyway, if you’re still in, with masculine noun in the most of the cases you can just add “-e” to the word (e.g. стол – на столе). In neutral or feminine word you may replace last letter with letter “-e”: страна – в стране, комната – в комнате.
Third thing you might have questions about why we use “в” and “нa” for the preposition “in”. The problem is different nouns require either “в” or “на”, you just have to learn those examples by heart. Here are some of the most important examples for A1 level:
На по́чте – at the post-office
На у́лице – outside
В ко́мнате – in the room
В апте́ке – at the pharmacy
В па́рке – in the park
В рестора́не – in the restaurant
Here is some epic exeption. At home = До́ма
Now you know some Russian words, so try to transalte:
Диалог 1
-Where are you?
-I’m outside. And you?
-I’m home.
-Где ты?
-Я на улице. А ты?
– Я дома
Диалог 2
-Who is that?
– That’s Anya
-Where is she?
-She is at the restaurant
-Кто это?
-Это Аня.
-Где она?
-Она в ресторане